
Who's a Big Boy?

You know that voice people use when talking to their dogs...that deep and dumb tone often used when they converse with their four-legged friend. Well I used that voice today on my son, shortly after finding him standing up on his own in his crib. This is just about as bad as my brother trying to play 'tuggie' with him this past weekend.

(And yes, I've been MIA...in Ohio visiting family. I have much to report, but Preston's current sleeping quarters and the home office are one in the same. My free time (i.e. when P'Dub naps) is usually when I hop online and blog. So you can see where the conflict lies. We leave this Saturday for Seattle and can't wait to see Daddy!)


Betsy Yates said...

Can't wait to talk to you when you get a chance! And you know I used that voice with my "baby doggies." :)

MBKimmy said...

Have fun visiting your daddy ... hope you have good weather!
Love the picture - he is growing fast!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, he's standing up! I knew it wouldn't be long, those little legs of his are strong. I hope things are OK back in Ohio, please give you Mom a HUGE HUG! Safe travels back to J...I'm sure he's missing his family badly.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry to say that this new development leads to many a new stand off techniques in trying NOT to go to sleep in the crib. It has now become a playpen. hahaha. He's so darn cute! It makes up for all the shenanigans he'll be throwing your way. :) Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Your little baby is so precious!! What a cutie...