
So, Where Have I Been?

Well, I haven't been on my blog, that's for sure!

This last couple weeks have been a whirlwind. Preston has been full-on in 'terrible twos" mode, c-section for his little sibling was scheduled for May 13th, then just changed today to the 14th (after a plan had already been put into place and tickets bought for the grandparents to fly out from Ohio), we decided to move, and Jeremy is off on a business trip until the 27th! Uh, huh... we've been busy!

So, in the midst of all the big things, I'm still taking Preston to tumbling, going to library classes, baby doc appointments, getting everything in line for the move AND packing! Yikes! It will all be for the best though- our new place is in a fabulous family-friendly neighborhood, with a safe backyard, walking/biking trails and sidewalks! Ahhh, what else could a girl ask for? We are soo excited!

So, it may be awhile before I'm back on the full-time blogging bandwagon. But, I promise, I won't take too long!

Soon, this will be our home sweet home....


Stacie said...

Your new home is absolutely gorgeous! I don't know how you're doing it all right now. Just reading this post stressed me out. j/k

MBKimmy said...

Beautiful! Good luck to you - I will say a few prayers for you!

PS When Tatum was 5 months old we put a bid in for a house (a fixer upper) we were awarded the bid and the day after we signed the papers we found out we were preggers with baby 2 - 8 months of remodel, we move, have a 1 year old Birthday party and 2 months later we have a new baby! It was NUTS but so wonderful now!

Mama R. said...

dude! you bought a house! and committed to the west coast! haha. it looks fantastic. :)