According to this statement, one could only conclude, that:
A) Canadian kids are more advanced than American kids.
B) American kids develop slower than Canadian kids.
C) Canadian parents aren't concerned about their children's safety, and let them do whatever they want despite their age.
D) Canada just wants to be first, so they grab at every chance they get.
E) I am a bad mother for letting Preston play on equipment he's
clearly too young for.
F) All of the above.
Hmmmmm....any other thoughts?
Hahaha! That is pretty funny! Rather than saying that Canadians are concerned about their safety, I probably would say American parents are a bit overly protective - or even more likely - overly ready to sue in case anything goes wrong :)
I agree with Little's all because of legal issues. Most companies would want to sell, sell, sell, no matter what. But, they all have lawyers who tell them what they have to say. I used to design packaging for a big retailer and each was a battle over what wording could and could not be used.It got crazy sometimes!
Or age is actually measured differently in Canada. I'm pretty sure that's the case.
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