
Shit or Get Off the Pot

Does this saying ever make sense NOW!!!

Near the end of November, Preston awoke with yet another 5-pound pee diaper and a rash to match. I showed him the rash in the mirror and told him his penis was not happy. That's all it took. From that point on, he decided he was only peeing in the potty.

Jeremy and I had been moving in this direction with Preston for months but we didn't want to pressure him. Peeing in the potty party was part of our pre-nap and bedtime routines, so we knew Preston could control his bladder. It was just a matter of him "wanting" to make the big move.

And to our surprise, the kid hasn't turned back. He wears underwear all day, even for naps. We've been trying out underwear at night as well, and have had few accidents- he actually gets up at night to pee then goes back to bed. I love it!

Funny thing though...Preston refuses to poop in the potty. He asks for a diaper when he needs to go. He's not afraid to sit on the pot or the flushing sound. I think it's him holding on to being a baby. OR, him just wanting to have control over one of the few things he actually has control over. At this point, we're making him stand by the potty to poop in his diaper. And it's nearly comical- he gets a diaper, I put it on, he goes to the bathroom and yells, "I need piacy (that's privacy, minus a couple consonants)" before shutting the door. Then he comes out when he's finished.

Sometimes though, he likes to throw his parents a bone. He acts all interested in taking a deuce on the big white throne. He even gets excited. But alas, he gets shit shy, and the diaper goes on.

Here is a visual to help...

 Got any shittin' suggestions?


Brooke said...

I know this is going to sound ridiculous but the first time Simon pooped on the potty my husband had to sit on the floor next to him and hold his hand, there was lots of laughter (ours, muffled under our breaths) and tears (his). But once he did it for the first time it got so much better for him and after that he has never pooped anywhere but the potty.

Just a suggestion but we taught Simon to "talk" to his poop (oh to be a fly on the wall in this house) and now he grunts "ohhhh pooooppp come out!!"

Its hard but once you get over the hump of doing it the first time it gets much easier

Good luck, I am sure you will get lots of tips on this subject!

seadragon said...

I love Brooke's suggestion!

What I thought of was that maybe the position is hard for him, especially if he has his feet up like that. What about feet down, possibly leaning forward?

Anonymous said...

My daughter was the same way. I was told that, for some, the poop comes later. She was potty trained as far as the pee goes, but she didn't want ANYTHING to do with the potty when it came to pooping. The one time she did poop in the potty (it was early in the training)she looked in to see it and the kid actually gagged! I'll never forget it and I don't think she ever did, either! At least Preston will let you put on a diaper when he has to go. It got to the point sometimes I would beg her to let me put a pull up on her so she would poop in there so I wouldn't have to clean up poopy underwear and pants! Oh what a mess!!! Then one day, thankfully, everything all of the sudden just clicked and its been consistent ever since! Good luck!!!

Brooke said...

Also have you thought of just letting him be naked when he has to poop, instead of giving him a diaper have him sit down on the potty and if its not coming out leave him pantsless and suggest going to play with something and when he starts to feel it again to yell "I HAVE GO POOP" and you can both run off the potty. I would just keep doing it this way until he has no choice but to drop the D

*side note if he is super stubborn and refused to use the potty this method could result in poop on your floor but P seems ok with sitting on the potty so that shouldn't happen...maybe.. LOL

Anonymous said...

My daughter had the same issue and my pediatrician said that many kids find it hard to poop because they need to push down and standing to do it is much easier. That being said, both feet on the floor with him bending forward a bit may help (it worked for mine)!
However it seems like he may just decide to do it one day like he did with the pee so you never know?!?

Forelife Direct said...

These very common issue in kids most of the parents are worried as their children are not doing poos. I have one remedies that try whistling while he/she is about to do poos.

Forelife Direct said...

These very common issue in kids most of the parents are worried as their children are not doing poos. I have one remedies that try whistling while he/she is about to do poos.

MBKimmy said...

No help here both of mine were pooped trained before pee trained! I know, not normal, but nothing about our lives is normal.

Good luck!

Falling Pregnant Tips said...

You look such a happy family and you seem so dedicated to your children, like they are the reason for your living, makes me wonder why I don't have that feeling. So much joy on their faces !

Betsy Yates said...

No suggestions for ya, Mama K. We're following YOUR lead. Love the pics. :)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard. This post is adorable.
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cures for vitiligo said...

He is so cute!!I really love such little funny guys.The three stages of his reaction which are excitement,determination and fatigue were good spot.

Fit Yummy Mummy,Fit yummy Mummy Review said...
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Best Maternity Clothes said...

My daughter found it scary the first time. But after that she found out its a lot easier going on the potty than trying to do it in a diaper.

Really cute pics by the way :)

Rox said...

Funny pictures, I really laughed about it. His expressions are very cute. early pregnancy symptoms

Maternity Acupressure said...

I've gone through the same thing with my daughter and found that she goes number 2 more on mommy and daddy's "big potty" than in her potty chair.

It also helps to give my daughter a book to read so she has something to focus on while she's using the toilet. It works almost every time.

tubal reversal surgery said...

Really cool post! Thanks much!

Dana said...

I always tried to make it fun by giving a treat! I would give them a dollar everytime they went in the toilet and then took them to buy something fun with that dollar. BUT if they pooped their pants, I made them give me a dollar back. They really don't like giving those dollars back either :)

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