
I'm No Hussy!

That's right. I got married and then I got pregnant. That being said, nothing bothers me more than the fact my hands have swollen to the point I can't wear my beautiful engagement ring and wedding band.

For as long as I can remember, I've always done a "ring check" on any pregnant woman I've run across. Just curios, I guess. Until now, however, I'd never thought about the fact these ringless women may actually be married, but aren't able to accommodate their tokens of commitment.

I waited for over 30 years to snag me up some bling, and now just over a year later, I'm once again sporting the naked finger.

To comfort me in my time of need, this $15.00 sterling silver ring from Target is filling in. It's fat and ugly, but in the presence of strangers, somehow puts me at ease.


Betsy Yates said...

Whoa. Hello. What have you done with my friend Kate???? Seriously? :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Jeremy could buy you an expensive platinum chain for you to wear your ring on while the baby is baking….

Haley said...

uhm...i'm a hussy. i did get an engagement ring in month 5 of pregnancy...but i'm not getting married in a maternity dress...